Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Luke

Today our current baby turned 2. I can't believe how the time has flown, but he is definitley 2 ( in age and attitude). He is still fascinated with trains, cars, planes any type of automotive or transportation, but he is also a little soccer nut. I can't begin to guess where that came from! His vocabulary grows each day, as does his independance, and like many other parents out there, we just need to remind ourselves as well that this is a positive trait, even when it isn't directed quite as we'd like. Happy Birthday Luke, we love you.


theBreedvelds said...

Happy birthday sweet boy! We've been thinking of you all day and wishing we could have celebrated with you! Are you really 2???

Ali said...

Happy Birthday little Luke!! Your mommy did an awesome job on your train cake! Toot Toot!
Love your Auntie Ali xoxo

The Neufelds said...

What a great cake! These last 2 years has gone by so fast... seems like just yesterday we were pregnant and bobbing around in our water aerobics class. (can't believe we have both been pregnant again since then and looking forward to welcoming your new one)