Sunday, May 22, 2011

While posting new photos of Katie and Sam, I needed to include one of Luke who is no longer my baby, but my little man. I melt just looking at this picture of him.
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Sam update

Thought I would give an update and post some more photos. Sam will be 3 weeks tomorrow, and I am enjoying watching him grow (and grow he is) but I am also sad since he is growing so quickly. The bottom photo is of him the morning after he was born, and also he is only a couple days old when he had his first bath at home. Since then though he has chunked out a lot, he no longer fits the clothes he did when he was born and he is wearing some sleepers that Katie didn't wear until she was 3 months old. He is very alert when he is awake, and I love the cooing sigh he makes when he is content. We seem to have finally settled into a happy routine, and I am overwhelmed by how blessed we are.
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Gardening 101

For those of you who are gardeners, I must admit this is the first garden I have planted...that is at least since I was Katies age. My parents have a garden plot, but had decided not to plant one lately since they don't use enough of it due to being gone so often. I have wanted a garden the last few years, but didn't have the area to plant one, nor the know how of where to start. This year, we have a happy compromise. Mom and Dad helped Katie and I plant a garden which we will share. Dad will rotatill it and I will weed and care for it during the week, and then we can all use the produce. So on the menu this year is potatos (of course), carrots, peas, beans, zucchini, beets, onions, spinach and pumpkins which were planted at my grandma's due to lack of room. Katie was dying to help, I believe it was in January when she wanted to see the garden and we pointed to a corner that was covered in snow like everywhere else. She has been very patient, but still doesn't understand that it takes time to grow. I am very excited about this and will let you know in the fall how it has all gone.
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Last Saturday and Sunday Katie had her first dance recitals. She was in the future stars recital which was all the age 7 and under dancers from the studio. They all did amazing and Katie had a blast. She is definitely not shy and she thrives in the spotlight, but all of you who know Katie will not be surprised by this. Just a couple of photos one with her friend Isabelle. Oh, and yes, Katie has long hair here. They were all to have their hair in ponytails and curls ( not easy with a bob ). Thank goodness for hairpieces.
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Friday, May 6, 2011


Samuel Dwight Curtis Radke arrived Monday evening at 5:46. He weighed 9lbs 4oz and is 21" long. As many of you know I went in on Monday to be induced with him since he was 12 days overdue. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 and they started an IV to get things going (or so they thought) about 45 minutes later. By noon we were at the maximum dosage and really no progress to speak of. At 4 the Dr. returned and broke my water and that was all it took, well not really, but you know what I mean. Tada... a healthy baby boy. As a whole he is very happy and alert, but he does like to be held all the time, that means even at night. And being as big as he is seems to make him believe he needs to eat every hour on the hour. I do hope this stage passes quickly. The biggest surprise was the head of dark hair. Katie and Luke had no hair to speak of. Katie and Luke are both doing great, and are still excited. Katie cried when my mom told her she had a new baby brother and that he was a big boy. She cried, that she wanted a baby sister and after that passed that she had wanted a little baby brother. Luke is finding all of this very novel, and has adjusted like Samuel has always been here. They love to hold him and are very affectionate. Katie is very much a little mother hen, and this will be something we are going to have to learn how to encourage but rein in as well. I will post a few pictures for now, but our computer has died and more will come after we replace it. Until then, here is the newest addition to our family. Thanks to all of you who were praying for us the last couple weeks.

On our way....

For those of you who kept asking this was the most pregnant I ever got! We took this just before leaving for the hospital on Monday. Yikes!!! Not my favorite photo, but o well.