Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Soother Free

Last Monday, Katie had her 2nd dentist appointment. All was fine, but we were told that we really needed to try to get rid of her soother. I kept thinking the whole time, that they would understand more if they knew how difficult this was going to be. We had tried weaning her slowly from it, and it doesn't work! On Friday, I was at the park with Carolyne, Joel and Nathan, when Katie had a complete meltdown for her soother (which was in the car and no where close). The tantrum lasted all the way to the car, the trip home and in total about an hour. By the end of it, I was so mad that I wouldn't have given it to her even if she had become a complete angel and said please over and over. It was then that I decided she would never see it again, since it couldn't be worse than what had just happened. Surprise, surprise, it was a piece of cake. She hasn't stopped sleeping or napping, and although for a couple of days she would ask for it from time to time, it has been soo easy! If I had know it would be this simple we would have been rid of it long ago.


theBreedvelds said...

You deserve a congratulations! It's wonderful to be free of those things - no longer living in fear of forgetting it at home!

ribeirofamilia said...

I'm very happy that it wasn't so traumatic! I'm sure I'll use your story the next time I try to convince a parent of this dilema!

The Neufelds said...

It's funny how the things we think are going to be difficult are often easy and the things we think should be simple enough turn out to be difficult.