Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Day Weekend

One benefit to living in Alberta in February is the long weekend for family day. We definitely used to weekend to the fullest this year. The weather was beautiful (as it has been almost all winter) so we were able to spend time outside. On Saturday we went out to Sylvan with my cousin and his family and some good friends of ours here. We spent the first part of the afternoon skating on the lake and then drove across the lake back to Aarons parents. The guys walked out on the lake and spent a bit flying some airplanes and then we finished the eveing with supper and watched to fireworks put on by the town from the comforts of the living room. It was so nice to get out with friends and I had a great time as did everyone I think. We spent Sunday and Monday much the same. Unlike so much time lately, we had three days with no pressures and were able to truely relax and have fun.
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1 comment:

ribeirofamilia said...

Love the photos...boy do we miss you!