Saturday, August 18, 2007

First Steps

Katie has now taken her first steps. Earlier in the week she took 3 but it took a lot of prompting. Today, she just let go of the couch and walked to me (it was only 4 steps) but it was done without me encouraging her or prompting her. Aaron was at work and missed it, but thankfully she did it even more tonight. Everyone tells me to enjoy when she isn't walking, but I am still excited. I feel that she is still too little to be doing this, and yet I know that she isn't. We will put the video clip on when we figure out how.


D J E and M Huber said...

Hey, that's great!!!!

To post a video clip, get a YouTube account and upload there. Then use their code to post it to blogger. That's how we do it, anyway. Seems to work.

Thanks for looking at (and commenting about) the wedding pictures, BTW. It was a fun day!

theBreedvelds said...

Yay Katie! We can't wait to see it in person! Baby's growing up!! :(