Tuesday, July 31, 2007


We spent last week visiting family in Colorado, more specifically the Greeley area of Colorado. It was Katie's first time being introduced to her Great Grandma Oster, and all of the other family. Aaron's Aunt Claudia was able to take the week off from work and we were able to also see his Uncle Doug, Aaron's cousins and their kids. It was a great week, but it went far too quick, and was a tad too warm if you were out of the AC. On Thursday we spent the day at the Denver Zoo with most of the family. It was a chance to spend time with Samantha (our flower girl), Shayla (I apologize for spelling) and Keelen. These are Katie's cousins. Katie was a little young, but she did bond with an Orangutan, and also really noticed the Elephants. On the Saturday, we went to the Meyer family reunion, and met Aaron's Moms relatives. It was a great day, and we felt right at home. Now we are back at home. On the Thursday we were away, we got an accepted offer on our house. Subjects are to be removed on the 7th, so now we are starting the hunting process for a new place. We will keep you posted.


D J E and M Huber said...

The picture of Katie by the sign is hilarious.

Good luck on the house hunting!!

The Neufelds said...

I also liked the picture of Katie by the sign. We have been wanting to take David to the zoo in Aldergrove but have been debating waiting until next summer when he will likely enjoy it more.